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Relaunch: Public Netbase becomes "Netbase"
Re-positioning in a new setting
"Changes in our setting require a re-thinking of media-cultural practice
and a corresponding adjustment of our fields of activity and our
socio-cultural offerings." A series of funding cuts and the consequent
discontinuation of a number of services have prompted the Vienna-based
net culture group, previously known as Public Netbase, to re-position
According to its director Konrad Becker, "the political developments and
the resulting restrictions have made it necessary to adapt the
organizational profile to the circumstances". As a first response to the
Federal Government's long-standing hostility against critical cultural
and media practice, the group will move into a smaller location. "This
change should also be reflected in our name", said Becker. "Public
Netbase becomes Netbase!"
"The relaunch will make it possible to provide an open space available
for cultural exchange and artistic work. It is an attempt to deal with
the situation in a productive way." Netbase is an important node in an
international network and will continue to live up to this role in the
realms of theory and dissemination. Within the re-positioning,
discursive and project-oriented activities will become a priority.
The net culture group will also continue to critically engage with
issues of technological control in society, semiotic democracy,
intellectual property, and free access to information and education. New
forms of artistic practice in the information society will also be a
central concern. Still before the summer, new project activities will be
presented, most of whom involve close cooperation with international
partner organizations. The first such event will be a two-day
symposium and a workshop program in June 2005. Invited guests from
Southeast Asia will discuss global issues of democratic participation in
relation to urban development and new communication technologies.
In November 2005 the net culture group will organize the
World-Information City Festival in Bangalore (IN) as part of its EU-
sponsored World-Information.Org project. The new Netbase caters for
artists and cultural workers and to all who require independent
infrastructure. "The situation remains critical for all of the remaining
staff members. However, the importance of independent media-cultural
pratice is greater than ever, and acts as a strong motivation for all of
us", Becker concluded.

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