Home / About
Public Netbase / t0
Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0
was founded by Konrad Becker and Francisco de Sousa Webber in the Vienna
Museumsquarter in 1995 as a non-profit internet provider and a platform for
the participatory use of information and communication technology.
Public Netbase organizes exhibitions, events, symposia and workshops. Since 1998,
it has attracted more than 75.000 visitors. The net culture institute
provides more than 1200 artists, cultural workers, adolescents, project
groups, and initiatives with e-mail accounts, web space, fully equipped
project work spaces, proficient technical support and the transfer of
technology know-how, thus enabling them to actively participate in the
shaping of the World Wide Web and global data structures.
With its WWW-server that attracts more than 1,7 million visits per month as
well as with its numerous workshops, instruction courses, and educational
events for the broad public, Public Netbase contributes continually to the
evolution of a lively internet scene and a heightened consciousness for the
implications of the new communication and information technologies. As a
focal point of European and international art, culture, and media networks,
the Viennese net culture institute attempts to develop an understanding for
the manifold opportunities and the potential of new communication media, but
also to look critically at a society that is increasingly determined by
Public Netbase t0 is Supported by: Verein Stadtimpuls Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7) Landesjugendreferat (MA 13) Bundeskanzleramt (BKA.kunst)
old www.t0.or.at site

2025 Netbase t0 | | |