Home / Projects
WWW.THOUGHT-THIEVES.ORG Short Film Showcase. Call for Work! 
Okto im Wiener Telekabel TV auf Kanal 8 
featured link GSA - Global Security Alliance
www.global-security-alliance.com Sicherheitsfest München
17 03 2005 | 19h Voll geil oder voll daneben?
Eine Diskussion zum Verhältnis von Jugend und Politik im Zeitalter der Neuen Medien 
www.wahlkabine.at Austria's most successful political indicator tool is available for the federal elections 2006.
November 2005 World-Information City
world-information.org/bangalore is a joint effort of European and South Asian civil society, a global cooperation rooted in the diversity of Bangalore's Information Society projects.
18. November 2005 Raubkopieren macht impotent!
netbase.org/hartabergerecht2006 Mit der Kampagne "Hart aber Gerecht 2006" hat das Konsortium ZKM auch hierzulande den raubkopierenden Massen den Krieg erklärt.
20 06 - 22 06 2005 Networks of Imagination
netbase.org/globalnetworks Global Information Landscapes and Urban Transformations in Asia
ZKW kf45 2005
netbase.org/zkw/en Virtual Drama in four Acts: A critical interpretation of historical representation in the Austrian "jubilee year" 2005
03 06 / 04 06 2004 Free Bitflows
freebitflows.t0.or.at Cultures of Access and Politics of Dissemination
Patriotismus oder Vaterlandsverrat
quiz.oesterreich-2005.at Wo stehen Sie in Österreich? Beantworten Sie 22 Fragen im Österreich-Quiz und erfahren Sie, welchem von acht Typen Sie am ehesten entsprechen.
15 06 2004 Kunst != Bioterrorismus
www.t0.or.at/caedefense Einem Gründungsmitglied des Critical Art Ensembles droht eine Verurteilung nach dem US-amerikanischem Terrorismusgesetz.
s-77ccr.org System 77 Civil Counter-Reconnaissance. Eyes in the skies, Democracy in the Streets.
17 12 + 19 12 2003 Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit in der Informationsgesellschaft
www.t0.or.at/wsis2003/ Save the Digital Ecology!
Kein Asylverfahren im World Wide Web!
workshop.t0.or.at/asyl Projekt für jugendliche Flüchtlinge vermittelt Medienkompetenz
26 11 2003 Diskussion: nikeground - rethinking space
www.t0.or.at/nikeground Künstlerische Freiräume in einer Welt der Großkonzerne 
www.t0.or.at/nikeground rethinking space. the hardly believable nikeplatz trick. staged by 0100101110101101.ORG and t0.
mediencamp.t0.or.at Ab Freitag, 27. Juni 2003, wird das Mediencamp am Karlsplatz der Öffentlichkeit ins Bewusstsein rufen, dass die Existenz der unabhängigen und partizipativen Medieninitiativen in Wien unverändert massiv gefährdet ist.
14 06 2003 free:re:public 03
20 05 2003 Campaign against the violation of data protection
Public Netbase’s International Campaign against the violation of data protection laws informs passengers at Vienna Airport 
25 04 2003 | 20h 0100101110101101.ORG
world-information.org is a trans-national cultural intelligence provider, a collaborative effort of artists, scientists and technicians. It is a practical example for a technical and contextual environment for cultural production and an independent platform of critical media intelligence. 
05 06 / 06 06 2003 Open Cultures
opencultures.t0.or.at Free Flows of Information and the Politics of Commons
- A two day conference / workshops / exhibition
18 01 - 19 01 2003 new world (b)order
www.t0.or.at/newworldborder coop Tanzquartier Wien
17 01 2003 Power Lines, Opposing Gazes
www.t0.or.at/powerlines Bureau d'études - a presentation and open diskussion
23 11 2002 OVERANDOUT
03 10 - 04 10 2002 Dark Markets
darkmarkets.t0.or.at Infopolitics, Electronic Media and Democracy in Times of Crisis
- A two day strategic conference that will look into state of arts theories of democracy, media politics and information technologies.
28 06 2002 Mainpal Inv./ Goodiepal
concert info 
15 06 2002 free re public 2
07 06 2002 digital art generation
www.t0.or.at/artgeneration Autogenerative Prozesse in der Netzkultur
24 05 2002 cyborg citizen
www.t0.or.at/cyborgcitizen Chris Hables Gray, author of "Cyborg Citizen" and Faith Wilding (SubRosa)
basecamp Text-FM
basecamp.netbase.org Public Netbase relocating to MQ in summer 2002 on + 600 m2
free.netbase.org documents the political repressions from Austria's right wing government aimed at Public Netbase t0 as well as international manifestations of solidarity for the Vienna based Institute for New Culture Technologies.
07 12 2001 Technologiepolitische Kultur 2001
www.t0.or.at/technopol Thorsten Schilling / Neue Kunstsektion / XDV 
18 10 - 19 10 2001 Interface Explorer
interface.t0.or.at presents current trends in the development of new interfaces and web browsers. It will display projects of international artists and provide a forum for the discussion of the state of the art and the future of net communication tools. 
basecamp remote jam
basecamp.netbase.org/02/ Public Netbase relocating to MQ in summer 2002 on + 600 m2
European Cultural Backbone
www.e-c-b.net The European Cultural Backbone (ECB) is a coalition of mediacultural institutions and individuals working together to creatively use and develop participatory media for social change. 
government-austria.at offers a virtual alternative to Austria's far right government by proposing models and concepts for a truly democratic information society.
27. - 31. May 1999, Vienna SYNWORLD playwork:hyperspace
http://synworld.t0.or.at illustrated the relationship between popular game worlds and scientific and socially relevant developments. 
Period After
23. - 29. June 1998, Vienna ROBOTRONIKA
http://robot.t0.or.at Current developments in automation and robotics confront us with diverging future possibilities... 
23 04 - 26 04 1998 / Vienna INFORMATION TERROR
http://infoterror.t0.or.at The Society of the Unknown (London/UK)
"Towards a Sonic Revolution" 
21 11 - 22 11 1997 / Vienna FLESH MACHINE: A Genexploitation Project
by Critical Art Ensemble (Chicago) 
http://www.t0.or.at/event/oct.html Arts Laboratory & CONSUMPTION Photon Connection 

2025 Netbase t0 | | |

The Projects Database features projects and events initiated and/or
hosted by Public Netbase. At current the archive is still being
extended, but will soon be completed and updated on a regularly basis.