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  Home / Programm / eipcp: faculty opening party

  So 09 10 2005, ab 20:00
eipcp: faculty opening party
Start der transnationalen Fakultät für Radikale Ästhetik


Mattin, bilbao
Discobedienti, vienna
Team manoa, vienna

Visuals: Olga/er, vienna

Faculty (from lat. facultas) means possibility, occasion, but also capacity; in this specific case, the possibility, occasion and capacity to develop aesthetics beyond a philosophical discipline. Radical aesthetics interweave artistic practices, political activism and theory production, transgressing both trivial statements like "Every art is political!" or "Art is never political!" and vague claims of a political paedagogy with artistic means. It is precisely the overlaps and reconfigurations of the political and the artistic which open up a field of transversal practices that potentiate political-aesthetic forms of action, expression and intervention.

The Faculty for Radical Aesthetics starts with a transnational pilot course taking place from October 2005 to September 2006 in the cities of Barcelona, Linz, Lüneburg, Napoli, Paris and Vienna.

Coordination: eipcp - European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies Local cooperations with: MACBA Barcelona, Universität Lüneburg, Kunstuniversität Linz, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Napoli

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