Home / Programm / Ludic Society Club Abend
Fr 14 10 2005, ab 20:00
Ludic Society Club Abend
hosted by Margarete Jahrmann & Max Moswitzer
special guests: ludic society honorary member F.E.Rakuschan ludic socialite Fleshgordo a.k.a. Super Mario live
"that is the prejudice of this serious (human) beast against all gay science
- Well then, let us prove that this is a prejudice!"
Friedrich Nietzsche (La Gaya Scienza)
The quicksilver character of the ludic re/search enters pata-science fiction for adults! If Nietzsche prescribes laughter in "Scherz, List und Rache" (1886), in in-game parlance "List, Lust and Ludus", playing and cheating are enjoyed! Jeu is the french term for play, jouissance, enjoyment, but the translation does not carry the sexually orgasmic connotation that the French does in addition to the idea of taking pleasure in something: Joy in Jeu by cheat!
actual game-based research artifact:
nouveaux machines celibataires for the goApe project, GoApe-Chindogu series B, 001-031005-b2 to 006-041005-b.
the ludic society presents ludic society traces!
club meetings up to now: 2004 Bilbao, Spain. 2005, Subotron Vienna. Zurich.
1st ludic society symposion: 2005 Barcelona/Amettla, Spain.
The ludic society exists as international association of artists, game practictioners and theorists to provoke an artistic re/search discipline, best to be addressed as ludics.

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