Do 29 09 2005, ab 19:00 NotTheSameColor NTSC is a live video-sound-duo by dieb13 and billy roisz.
The setup consists of various audio and video instruments,
connected in a way that allows multiple ways of feedback and physical interaction.
Audio and video signals leave their domain to get a new function and meaning.
Sound causes images and video signal can be heard. The speaker and the screen
finally define whether a signal will appear audible or visible.
Thus, signal routing becomes an integral element of the creative process.
The instruments are partly self built (e.g. ultrasonic sound-/video- synthesizer and "embedded" mini-computer).
The linux-based soundsoftware is self-written.
NTSC is a continously developing project about interactions between sound and video
off the well beaten paths of computer analysis and synthesis in a live context.
Netbase schafft einen neuen offenen Raum für kulturellen Austausch und künstlerisches Arbeiten in einer von Kommunikations- technologien bestimmten Informationslandschaft.
Netbase ist Teil eines internationalen Netzwerks und ermöglicht und fördert Diskurs- und Projektaktivitäten.